Jim and Pat Kaus, Kappa Mu Epsilon Endowment

Eligibility: JuniorSenior
Area of Interest: Mathematics


The recipient shall be a member of Kappa Mu Epsilon. If Kappa Mu Epsilon is no longer a viable fraternity on campus, the recipient shall be an upperclassman majoring in the Math field.

Jim and Pat Kaus Kappa Mu Epsilon Endowment. I was born in Cheyenne Wells, CO and grew up in Eastern CO, graduating from Weldona High School as valedictorian in 1954. I have attended the Universities of CO, UT, NE and UNC. While at UNC, I met my wife, Patricia. I taught high school math at Milliken, CO and Junior College mathematics at St. Louis, MO before coming to CSC in 1964 to teach mathematics. I served as sponsor of Kappa Mu Epsilon (KME) for most of my teaching career at CSC. I received many grants from the National Science Foundation, this prompted me to set up a scholarship for CSC's KME students. Our four sons received their undergraduate degrees from CSC. My wife and I have very fond memories of CSC and congratulate you on your choice of college and subject matter.


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